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Feature Development: Patient Facing Neurocognitive Measures

Supported the development of innovative mobile supported neurocognitive measures features within a configurable clinical research platform that supports remote patient data collection, as well as clinician and study staff researcher health data visualization.

I supported the development of neurocognitive assessment features within a configurable clinical research platform that supports remote patient data collection, as well as clinician and study staff researcher health data visualization.

These new features enable patients to complete neurocognitive assessments using our platform's iOS mobile app, either in isolation or in conjunction with other neurocognitive measures or ePROs (electronic patient reported outcomes). These assessments are tailored to specific study protocols using a configurable study platform, ensuring seamless integration and adherence to study requirements.

One notable neurocognitive measure that I supported was the development of a finger tap test which focuses on motor functioning, including motor speed and lateralized coordination of patients. This test is particularly valuable for assessing disease progression in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.

A key aspect of our development process was creating an optimal user experience to accurately convey instructions to patients to complete activities remotely. We minimized text and utilized animated demonstrations to enhance clarity and engagement, ensuring patients understood and were able to complete assessments correctly.

Data collected from these assessments was shared back to a clinician-facing platform after being run through internally created algorithms, showcasing total patient tap counts to platform users, allowing them to assess patient performance accurately. This comprehensive approach not only enhances data quality but also empowers researchers to make informed decisions based on reliable neurocognitive assessments, ultimately advancing healthcare research and innovation.

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